
Image courtesy of Lizzy Baxter’s field work on Kaua’i

Sunrise over the Wao Akua (the Realm of the Gods)

‘Āina Akua translates to Land of the Gods.
The plants that come from this ‘āina are sacred, and they are fading away from our awareness.
Many species of native Hawaiian plants are already extinct. Gone forever.
‘Āina Akua Plants aims to bring access and awareness of native fauna and flora back to our local communities.


The owner and creator of ‘Āina Akua Plants is the legendary woman herself, Lizzy Baxter. Lizzy is from Virginia and studied Wildlife Conservation at the University of Delaware. She has lived a nomadic life ever since 2008, until settling on Kaua’i. Fortunate enough to work in remote landscapes all over the world, Lizzy has lived in multiple other countries (Morocco, Austria, Sweden) and specializes in wolves (Yellowstone Wolf Project, Minnesota Wolf Project, Wolf Science Center), birds (Steller’s Eider Project, Siberian Jay Behavior Research), and now plants.

For two years, she worked as a predator control biologist in the Hono O Na Pali Natural Area Reserve mountains of Kaua’i, helicoptering-to and hiking within the wao akua. This is where her love, knowledge, and respect of Hawaiian native plants blossomed (pun intended). Lizzy enjoys living on Kaua’i and the community mindset the island encourages. She is excited to provide native plants to Kaua’i locals. If we can begin to bring natives back in to our daily lives, then we will see how truly beautiful and unique this ‘āina really is.